Ms. Uma
Bhavan's BHEL RC Puram is a place where ideas count. Our school combines the best features of Bhavan's education with the cosmopolitan environment that is unique to the self-contained township of BHEL Ramachandrapuram.
Our location and affiliated with BHEL not only provides us with our own facilities, which are extremely impressive, but also gives us with access to BHEL's own formidable facilities which include a first-rate library and stadium infrastructure.
Ours is a school where every teacher knows the Bhavanite student, not just in the classroom context, but also about each student's ideas and aspirations.Every student is taught to be good in their life and career. That is the Bhavan's motto - Let noble thoughts come to us from every side.
I invite you to visit this remarkable community of ours at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Public School in BHEL Ramachandrapuram- where both people and ideas matter.